Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kansas Weekend Scene

Even though I live in Kansas City MO, I don't often get to visit the state that is 1.5 miles to the west (and the birthstate of my mother).  This weekend offered quite a few opportunities. And my poor little car even made it to Lawrence and back!

I attended the dress rehearsal for The Golem performed by the Owen/Cox Dance Group at the Jewish Community Center in Overland Park, KS.  Here, Christopher Barksdale is teaching the Golem to dance - a brilliant and graceful expression of communication.

We ate pretty decent BBQ at McGonagle's Meat Market.  They had a board game called Mr. Bacon's Big Adventure.  I'm not gonna lie - I might be buying this for my husband for Chanukkah.  Because I am culturally sensitive.

A late summer Kansas sunflower at sunset.

The Punch Brothers at the Lied Center of Kansas.  Great show - good energy, interesting music, and Christmas lights.  They'd played a day or two before at the Hardly, Strictly Bluegrass Festival and driven all night to get to the show - they were acting a little quirky and silly, but still musically sound. You can read my review here.

All my adventures were dispersed around work and other obligations, but I had a fun time venturing out into my neighboring state.  Can't wait to go the whole 1.5 miles back, again.

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